Thursday, March 16, 2006

"The Da Vinci Code" Movie

"The Da Vinci Code" will be released in theaters on May 19, 2006. As most people probably are aware, this is based off of the best-selling book by the same name. It is a completely fictional work that makes some outlandish claims regarding Christianity and Jesus. The movie is sure to be a blockbuster - directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks, Ian McKellan, and Alfred Molina (who was in the movie "Luther" just a couple of years ago which is a must-see!).

With the upcoming release of the movie, Pastor Mark D. Roberts is blogging about the book in a current series on his blog titled "The Da Vinci Opportunity: How the Popularity of The Da Vinci Code Book and Movie Can Be Helpful to Christians and Others". He just started the series on Monday. I've read some of his previous series which have been really great and centered on facts rather than emotion. I really urge you to check it out if you have some time.

Link to this series: The Da Vinci Opportunity

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