Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Random Thoughts for Today...

The Dilbert for today just seems to be on the money with the whole "Red Bull" thing...

I've been using the BlackBerry 8700c for a couple of days now and it's great. Perhaps the best feature by far is the EDGE Internet service. It's FAST!!

On the ride down to Sphere, I'm planning on cramming for the Lotus 610 exam to get my first Dev certification. I took it once about 1.5 years ago and missed it by two questions (literally...). I should get it this time. If I pass it I may also attempt exam 623 to finish up my Advanced Admin certification. And if that goes well, I may try for the Domino 7 admin update, but there may not be time for all of that! Although when I went to an iSeries COMMON conference in 2003 I passed 4 advanced admin exams.

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