Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Enabling Transaction Logging to Secondary ASP (iSeries)

A couple of months ago on the Domino for iSeries list, someone asked about setting up transaction logging on an iSeries. I found a proof-of-concept that I thought I would give a try on a test box. The idea was to set up a secondary ASP for dedicated disk units and point the transaction logging to that pool of drives. Here is what I did to enable this.

iSeries model 270 2248 Feature
i5/OS (V5R3)
512 MB Main Storage
System ASP - 210 GB
New User ASP - 115 GB
Domino 7.0

Since I had some eStorage drives lying around that were "taken out" of a production machine, I figured I would use them for the user ASP.

Add Disk Units To System In A User ASP:
- Ensure that you have available space for the new disk units
- Power down the system and do not restart
- Insert disk units into the system
- IPL system to B/Manual and Slow
- Go into the Dedicated Service Tools (DST) environment
- Work with Disk Units
- Work with Disk Unit Recovery
- Disk Unit Problem Recovery Procedures
- Initialize and Format Disk Unit
- Select the new disk units to format and proceed
- Return to the Work with Disk Units menu
- Work with Disk Unit Configuration
- Work with Device Parity Protection (or mirroring - depending on what type of protection you desire)
- Include Disk Units in Device Parity Protection
- Return to the Work with Disk Unit Configuration menu
- Work with ASP Configuration
- Add Units to ASPs
- You will see your new disk units; just type in the number of the next available ASP. I only had a System ASP, so I typed in "2" beside each disk unit to place them in ASP #2
- Confirm your new configuration
- Exit DST and continue with the IPL

Configure New Directory in User ASP:
- CRTDIR DIR('/translog')
- CRTUDFS UDFS('/dev/qasp02/translog.udfs') (This creates a User Defined File System (UDFS) that will be used in the next step as the mount point for your translog directory. The "qasp0"2 must reflect the number of the ASP you created for your drives. The "translog.udfs" can be anything.
- MOUNT TYPE(*UDFS) MFS('/dev/qasp02/translog.udfs') MNTOVRDIR('/translog') I
- WRKLNK OBJ('/translog')
- Option 8
- Note that the Auxiliary Storage Pool should reflect your pool.

Enable Transaction Logging for the Domino Server:
- Open the Domino Administrator client to the server on which you wish to enable transaction logging or to your home server where your main Directory is stored
- Go to the Configuration Tab
- Expand the Server section on the left
- Go to All Server Documents
- Choose Edit Server for the Server Document of the the server on which you wish to enable transaction logging
- Go to the Transaction Logging tab
- Transactional logging: Enabled
- Log path: /translog/ (or whatever you used for the CRTDIR command. It is relative to the root and not the Domino data directory)

- For the remainder of the settings, it is recommended that you become familiar with the various options and make sure they are suited to your environment.
- Logging style: Circular
- Use all available space on log device: No
- Maximum log space: 10000 MB
- Automatic fixup of corrupt databases: Enabled
- Runtime/Restart performance: Favor restart recovery time

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